
Simple bugfix patch

- removed experimental sex from mitsuki
- most likely fixed the wife chasing you down (never experienced it)

- fixed the Avarice/Average scene
- fixed most of the bugs presented by user takou33

- plant girls are just eyecandy until I figure out the sex-system more. I need feedback for if you guys like the sex-work and want to see it expanded enough to replace the current lobby-girl's screen.

- wife doesn't do anything just yet (except apparently lock you down [its like poetry])

- bar is still just a stand in

- stat screen isn't a thing just yet

There are few more bugs I tackled but can't remember, will continue to update until it seems like we've ironed out any remaining core issues. Until then, thank you so much for playing!


SizeMeUp-1.3.5-pc.zip Current 300 MB
Aug 03, 2023
SizeMeUp-1.3.5-mac.zip Current 265 MB
Aug 03, 2023

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how do i get past the page where i customize my female?


Guys, I recently started my training as a necromancer. Soon I'll be able to resurrect Kleinvoimond

Amazing game, great work. Can't wait for the next update.

I enjoy the game a lot. Cant wait for next update!

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Hear me out, the max pp size should go higher than 9 inches... for size queens and the like. I just say this because poppy compares it to a footlong and it doesn't quite size up to it... XXL size shock could be pretty good, especially with the grower side of things.


How to update (I'm looking forward to it)

In case no one has mentioned it I have found a visual bug in cumbat where sometimes, especially if you wear a condom, you have 2 dicks in the X-Ray screen which can be a little confusing to tell which one is really yours since one is often a few inches larger. (at least with my stats lol). I really like this game! This is the exact kind of thing I'm into! I really hope there are more scenes like the Avarice x MILF shower scene and more character's like Avarice who are hard to please in the future. Also something cool you could do in the future (if this is rude to make a suggestion like this I'm sorry I don't mean to be) would be some kind of event in cumbat where your dick can get cursed and shrank temporarily

Cool game, wish you could alter yourself in the future.
I'm guessing you know of most of the bugs laying around already, have you found a coder for the project?


I crashed a total of 8 times in 3 minutes trying to talk to the wife!

:) it already feels like marriage.

The best. I gues all the details about your character's penis are going to have an effect in later updates? Like curvature.
Also preferences in women are affecting the arousal from certain characters i guess? I thougth it would be cool if you could actually create a perfect waifu for yourself as well. 
Anyway this game is already a BANGER. Will wait for future updates.

I love this project. It's just so different. And has a good attitude. 

I'm on disability retirement, but I used to work ( professhunully ) in media design. All my skillsets are rustier than spring steel left out in the rain for a few years, but I can do photoshop, 2D design, sketchwork and HTML & CSS, Java n all that stuff I tried to forget, but I CAN generally read and understand most coding languages. I do dabble a bit in actual painting but honestly it's more like therapy than "Look at my cool stuff". 

I'm most useful at cleaning up code, finding bugs 'n errors in code or doing stuff like UI, icons, logos, and general photoshop magic.

I don't even know exactly how I would be able to help you out, but honestly, I like this project so much I'd be willing to dedicate some of my abundant free time to it.

If you'd like to talk, lemme know. 

And yeah I'm on Discord. I hate that ****in thing but too many people I want to stay in touch with are only ever online on there...


Sure! Just so you know Renpy works in python. As far as help goes all I really need is a guiding hand when it comes to coding, there is only so much I can google before my problem just isn't worded correctly.  Drop your discord and I can message you!

Here you go: Elric#7567

Let's see if I can get some dust off those coding skills. :P

Can i help with the code too? i really only use python for simple scripts when i need to, but also wanted to see if i could help, your game is awesome and well written, and lovely images, ayway have a good day!(or night?).

Kleinvoimond do you have a discord ?

(1 edit)

Welcome back Kleinvoimond!

So… “Beatings will continue until code improves”?, back to hitting you on the head with all your coding mistakes?

No plz no bully T_T


Hey there kleinvoimond! I was wondering if there was a chance you would be interested in taking an investment in order to help fund progress and expansion of your game I believe it has amazing potential. 


How do you mean?


Funding your game development in order to help you expand the game further, invest more time, etc

I'd love to hire someone to actually code the game for me, or at least set up/fix my code so I can take over and build off of it. Thats really the only thing holding me back at the moment. Sadly I'm not even sure how much that would run but, if an entity were to take interest in my project and fund it I'd absolutely love that!


Well I was thinking in the ball park of $5,000-$15,000 if you are interested feel free to add my discord at toasty5972.

I sent you a request on discord.


How many people are still asking for a mobile version? Just curious


I dig the sex work a lot!


Most bugs has been patch but I found more and I did an update on my topic. Good work


Love your art style. Hopefully the placeholder art makes way for fleshed out graphics sooon!


Thank you!

Deleted 359 days ago

Nop! Not dead and wont be dead, If I go quiet for a long time its because I'm dealing with things on my end/working on animations.